
How to Get Enough Vitamin B12 in a Plant-Based Diet

Jul 17, 2024
How to Get Enough Vitamin B12 in a Plant-Based Diet
If you’re eating a plant-based diet, you need to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B12 that people usually get from meat and other food you’re not eating now. Find out how to tap into other sources of B12!

Vitamin B12 is vital to the existence of the human body. It supports the function of your nerve cells, is needed for the formation of red blood cells and the production of DNA, and it helps prevent anemia, birth defects, depression, and macular degeneration.

The only problem is that your body cannot naturally produce it, so we must get our B12 from outside sources. For people who eat traditional diets, this isn’t a problem. Plenty of B12 is found in meat, dairy, and eggs.

Those who eat a plant-based diet, though, will have to make an extra effort to make sure they get the B12 they need to prevent some major health problems. (The National Institutes of Health recommend adults get at least 2.4 micrograms a day.)

At Phillips Family Medical in DeSoto, Texas, board-certified family nurse practitioner Pamela Phillips and our team provide a range of primary care services, including nutritional guidance. Here are a few ways you can get enough vitamin B12 while eating a plant-based diet.

Dairy and eggs

Eating dairy and eggs are two of the easiest ways to get enough B12 in your daily diet. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are simple options (1 cup of milk gives you half your daily dose of B12). One hard-boiled egg can give you 25% of your daily dose as well, plus it’s a good source of protein, which is also helpful when eating a vegetarian diet.

If you’re eating a vegan diet, you won’t be able to consume animal products, so you’ll have to consider other options.

Fortified foods

Some foods are fortified with additional B12 to help you get a higher dose. A good example is breakfast cereals — some of them can contain enough B12 to give you up to 25% of your daily need.

Nutritional yeast

Nutritional yeast is another great fortified food that can give you a healthy amount of B12 — just 1 teaspoon gives you 100% of your recommended daily value. Plus, it tastes great, adding a cheesy or nutty flavor to foods. You can also add it to sauces or sprinkle it on popcorn for a great snack.


If you’re still having a difficult time getting your daily dose of B12, you can always take an over-the-counter B12 supplement or ask your provider about prescription B12 injections. This supplemental B12 is an easy way to get this necessary vitamin, but you do have to remember to take it every day.

The bottom line: if you’re eating a plant-based diet, make sure you’re also consuming enough vitamin B12 each day. Our team will be happy to consult with you and help form a dietary plan. Just call our office at 972-861-1151 or use our online scheduler to book an appointment anytime.