
3 Unique Health Care Needs that Affect Seniors

Nov 02, 2023
3 Unique Health Care Needs that Affect Seniors
The number of older adults in the United States is on a trajectory to double. Read on to find out about three unique health care needs that affect this population.

The number of Americans aged 65 and older is on a trajectory to double. In fact, the number is projected to go from 46 million to more than 98 million by 2060.

With an increase in this demographic comes an increased need for health care that focuses on the needs of this population.

Here at Phillips Family Medical in DeSoto, Texas, family nurse practitioner Pamela Phillips, Ph.D., FNP-C, and our team provide comprehensive geriatric care to men and women in their senior years.

In this blog, we discuss three unique health care needs that affect seniors.

1. Chronic diseases

Older adults are affected by chronic diseases in greater numbers than younger folks. Almost 95% have at least one chronic disease, and almost 80% have two or more. This includes a variety of issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, strokes, respiratory disease, Alzheimer’s disease. 

Not only can these diseases limit daily activities for seniors, they’re also the leading causes of death for older adults.

One other issue that can arise with multiple diseases is medication management. If you’re taking multiple medications, Pamela and her team can help you manage them to avoid harmful drug interactions.

2. Falls and balance issues

More than 25% of older adults fall every year. As a result, three million adults aged 65 and older are treated each year in emergency departments for injuries from falls.

Many falls are caused by balance issues. If you notice symptoms of this problem, Pamela and her team can put together a treatment plan to help.

This is important to treat, because having a fear of falling can cause senior citizens to limit their activities. This, in turn, can lead to isolation and depression if they stop participating in activities.

3. Cognitive decline

Forgetting things here and there can be a normal part of the aging process. However, if an individual's ability to carry out everyday tasks isn't affected, but there is a cognitive decline that is greater than others of the same age, the person could be suffering from mild cognitive impairment. Or, if a person’s ability to carry out everyday tasks is affected, the person could be suffering from dementia

It’s important to know that the terms mild cognitive impairment and dementia describe the severity of the cognitive decline, not the cause. Common causes of these conditions include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular disease, and frontotemporal degeneration.

Our team is well-equipped to help seniors deal with these and other issues. Not only can we provide wellness exams and screening tests, we offer ongoing management for most chronic health issues in older adults.

If you’re an older adult and want expert care to help you navigate your senior years, call Phillips Family Medical at 972-861-1151 or book an appointment online.